Terminal Arrival Area
Airports · 6 min read
A critical stage of any flight is the approach since it is the preparation for landing. At this stage, most instrument-rated pilots use GIS (RNAV).
Airports · 5 min read
Air marshals or sky marshals, whatever you like to address them as, are not seen on each flight. Seeing one red-handed is fairly a rare chance and the possibility of boarding one on the same plane and identifying them is purely coincidental.
Airports · 6 min read
Becoming an air traffic controller can be an interesting career path in the aviation industry for several reasons. On one side, it is a challenging yet rewarding career since the air traffic controller is in charge of guiding flights through the most appropriate flight paths in order to ensure their safety.
Airports · 6 min read
We all know countless celebrities and famous people who have adopted a stage name suggesting a curvy body. Just as in the world of celebrities, in aviation, heavy airplanes get the honorific tag line 'heavy' after their call signs.