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crew resource management

Crew Resource Management

Airlines · 6 min read

For about 35 years, a method known as Crew Resource Management (CRM) has been used for the training of pilots with an aim to enable them for safer operations during flights.

Jul 21, 2022
can a 777 fly on one engine

Can a 777 Fly on One Engine?

Aircraft · 5 min read

While air transportation is deemed by some as the safest mode of transport, many people are afraid to fly, and different theories support their fears, although they are often incorrect. One of the most common theories that fuel people's fear of flying is aircraft engine failure.

Jul 18, 2022
aircraft maintenance

What Is Aircraft Maintenance?

Aircraft · 4 min read

Aircraft maintenance is one of the vital components of aviation safety. There is no such thing as a safe flight if the aircraft is lacking inspection and maintenance of its structure, systems, and components.

Jul 15, 2022
how much does a plane cost

How Much Does a Plane Cost?

Aircraft · 7 min read

Since you are here, you've probably considered buying your own small plane at some point and wondered how much does a plane cost.

Jul 14, 2022
how to become an aircraft mechanic 

How to Become an Aircraft Mechanic? 

Aircraft · 7 min read

Working with airplanes for some of us is a dream come true. Especially as aircraft mechanics, people have the opportunity to work on some of the most astounding engineering marvels ever produced and get to know them from nose to tail.

Jul 13, 2022
history of aviation in india

History of Aviation in India

Other · 5 min read

The civil aviation industry of India is one of the fastest-growing aviation industries in the world. India has surpassed the United Kingdom to become the world's third-largest domestic aviation market, and India is expected to grow in this market even more until 2024.

Jul 12, 2022
solar aviation fuel

Solar Aviation Fuel

Aircraft · 5 min read

Aviation as the most crucial transportation means in the world widened its wings in a historically brisk phase by moving from the 100 million passengers mark in 1960 to 4.56 billion by 2019.

Jul 08, 2022
international civil aviation day

International Civil Aviation Day – 7 December

Other · 4 min read

For the first time in the world, two innovative men took their efforts to the sky in Kitty Hawk on December 17th, 1903. Since then, a lot has happened with the flying machines giving rise to a whole new means of transportation.

Jul 08, 2022
what does heavy mean in aviation

What Does ‘Heavy’ Mean in Aviation?

Airports · 6 min read

We all know countless celebrities and famous people who have adopted a stage name suggesting a curvy body. Just as in the world of celebrities, in aviation, heavy airplanes get the honorific tag line 'heavy' after their call signs.

Jul 07, 2022
pre-flight checklist header

Pre-flight Checklists

Pilots · 4 min read

Safety the top priority in aviation, so ensuring everything is operating correctly and properly before any flight is essential. Consequently, a pre-flight checklist is critical in guaranteeing that safety requirements are met before the aircraft takes off.

Jul 07, 2022
Landing at Night

Landing at Night

Pilots · 4 min read

The landing could be considered the most critical stage of any flight, and night landings can make the maneuver even more complex. Fortunately, modern aircraft and runways are well prepared to help the pilot complete this challenging task. If you want to learn how pilots are capable of completing night landings, and how aircraft and […]

Jul 01, 2022
aviation podcasts

Top 10 Aviation Podcasts

Other · 6 min read

Here we are going to share our views about what we consider to be the top aviation podcasts for any person interested in staying up to date and learning more about aviation.

Jun 13, 2022

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